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You are looking on a Electroinc Anti-Bark Dog Training Shock Collar. This unit will make your dog stop barking within days. If your dog barks, the collar applies a high pitch tone, if your dog barks again within 30 seconds, a tone and a mild shock will follow. With each further barks within 30 seconds, the shock will intensify up to 5 times stronger.
Is your dog's barking uncontrollable that its starting to get everybody annoyed? Are you finding it difficult to train him/her using orthodox methods? You are not alone. Many dogs simply do not respond to traditional training methods which is why thousands of owners and professional trainers have used this anti-bark dog training collars to assist them in their training programs. As we all know an out-of-control dog can be a danger to themselves and others. It can help you achieve a well trained and contented dog within days.
Product Features
LED flash signal light
Low battery consumption
Different levels of tone commands to train your pet with special meaning.
Integration of static stimulation and tone command.
Different levels of static stimulation to teach your pet to behave

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